Álbum Utopia de Björk - Canciones


Listado de canciones del álbum Utopia

  1. Arisen My SensesVer letra 4:59


    letra de Arisen My Senses

    Just that kiss
    Was all there is
    Every cell in my body
    Lined up for you
    Legs a little open
    Once again
    Awaken my senses
    Head topless
    Arisen my senses
    Just that kiss
    Was all there is
    My palms pulsating of
    The things I want to do to you
    Just that kiss
    Is all there is
    Weaving a mixtape
    With every crossfade
    For him a he
    Is WWW
    For him a he
    Is WWW
    Once again
    Weaving a mixtape
    With every song
    For who I am
    For, for, with love
    With love
    Awaken my senses
    Just that kiss
    Once again
    Was all there is
    Just that kiss
    Once again
    Arisen my senses
    Was all there is
    Once again
    Just that kiss
    Arisen my senses
    Was all there is
    For him a he
    Once again I'm made to merge
    With him, for him a he
    I'm made to merge
    With him, for him a he

    Am I keen, or keen, or not keen?
    For him a he
    Too keen, too seen, to be seen
    Am I keen, or keen, or not keen?
    Once again I'm made to merge
    With him, by him, he sees me for who I
    Am I keen, or keen, or not keen?
    To be seen or not seen
    With him a he
    Am I keen, or keen, or not keen?
    With him a he

    He sees me for who I am

  2. Blissing MeVer letra 5:05


    letra de Blissing Me

    All of my mouth was kissing him
    Now, into the air, I am missing him
    Is this excess texting a blessing?
    Two music nerds obsessing

    He reminds me of the love in me
    I'm celebrating on a vibrancy
    Sending each other MP3s
    Falling in love to a song

    This handsomest of wickermen
    He asked if I could wait for him
    Now, how many lightyears this interim
    While I fall in love with his songs?

    His hands are good in protecting me
    Touching and carressing me
    Well, would it be trespassing
    Wanting him to be blissing me?
    Robbing him of his youth?

    Cliffhanger like suspension
    My longing has formed its own skeleton
    Bridging the gap between singletons
    Sending each other's these songs

    The interior of these melodies
    Is perhaps where we are meant to be
    Our physical union a fantasy
    I just fell in love with his song

    So, I reserve my own intimacies
    I bundle them up in packages
    My rawward longing far too visceral
    Did I just fall in love with love?

  3. The GateVer letra 6:33


    letra de The Gate

    My healed chestwound
    Transformed into a gate
    Where I receive love from
    Where I give love from
    And I

    Care for you
    I care for you

    Split into many parts
    Splattered light beams into prisms
    That will reunite
    If you

    Care for me
    And then I'll care for you

    Didn't used to be so needy
    Just more broken than normal
    Proud self sufficiency
    My silhouette is oval
    It is a gate
    I can

    Care for you from

    I care for you you
    Care for me

  4. UtopiaVer letra 4:42


    letra de Utopia

    Bird species never seen or heard before
    The first flute carved from the first fauna

    It’s not elsewhere
    Let's purify

    You assigned me to protect our lantern
    To be intentional about the light

    It isn't elsewhere
    It’s here

    My instinct has been shouting at me for years
    Saying: Let’s get out of here!
    Huge toxic tumor bulging underneath the ground here
    Need to purify the air here
    Purify, purify, purify toxicity

  5. Body MemoryVer letra 9:46


    letra de Body Memory

    First snow of winter
    I'm walking hills and valleys
    Adore this mystical fog
    This fucking mist
    These cliffs are just showing off

    Then the body memory kicks in
    I mime my home mountains
    The moss that I'm made of
    I redeem myself

    I've been wrestling my fate
    Do I accept this ending?
    Will I accept my death
    Or struggle claustrophobic?
    Fought like a wolverine
    With my destiny
    Refuse to accept what was meant to be

    Then the body memory kicks in
    And I trust the unknown
    Unfathomable imagination
    Surrender to future

    Oh, how to capture all this love
    And find a pathway for it
    Like threading an ocean through a needle
    River through a keyhole
    Can't fathom the grasp
    I can't grasp the fathom

    Then my body memory kicks in
    My limbs and tongue take over
    Like the ancestors before me
    Show me the flow

    My sexual DNA
    X-rays of my kama sutras
    Summons different bodies
    Compares spines and buttocks
    And back of necks

    Then my body memory kicks in
    It simply takes over
    I redeem my body

    I wasn't born urban
    Toxic doesn't agree with me
    Love lured me here
    Into a stagnant state
    My myths, my customs, ridiculed
    Vacuum-packed molecules

    Then my body memory kicks in
    On this Brooklyn dance floor
    Sweating with these rhythms
    Rotate this matrix

    I'm trapped in legal harness
    Farce like patriarchy
    Avoided to confront it

    Then the body memory kicks in
    My warrior awakens
    My turn to defend
    Urban didn't tame me

    Then my body memory kicks in
    All bosoms and embraces
    Oral, anal entrances
    Enjoy the satisfaction
    If the other is growing

  6. Features CreaturesVer letra 4:49


    letra de Features Creatures

    When I spot someone
    Who is same height as you
    And goes to same record stores
    I literally think I am five minutes away from love

    When I hear someone
    With same accent as yours
    Asking directions
    With the same beard as yours
    I literally think I am five minutes away from love

    Isn't it odd?
    Isn't it peculiar?
    These statistics of my mind
    Shuffling your features
    Assembling a man
    Googling love
    Warming my heart on this log-fire of love

    Features creatures
    Features creatures
    Features creatures
    (Features creatures)

  7. CourtshipVer letra 4:44


    letra de Courtship

    He turned me down
    I then downturned another
    Who then downturned her
    The paralysing juice of rejection
    His veins full of lead
    He's left with loving what he lost
    More than what he has

    My snakeskin cold in the dark
    But warms up in the light
    I then upturned a green-eyed giant
    Who upturned and entered me

    Will we stop seeing what unites us
    But only what differs?

    The ghosts of old loves
    Hovering around his orifices
    His orifices

    As you narrate your own heart-tale
    You thread souls into one beam
    The love you gave and have been given
    Weave into your own dream
    I trust my cells to rearchive
    My love historic stream

  8. LosssVer letra 6:51


    letra de Losss

    We all are struggling, just doing our best
    We've gone through the grinder, suffered loss
    Lost to, to which everything flows, an absence which
    Attracts flora blooming softly

    Soft is my chest, I didn't allow loss
    Loss make me hate, didn't harden from pain
    This pain we have will always be there
    But the sense of full satisfaction too

    I opened my heart for you
    Your lower lip so heavy on you
    My spine curved, erotically
    We're finally vulnerable

    Loss of love, we all have suffered
    How we make up for it defines who we are
    It defines us, how we overcome it
    Recover, repair from loss

    Loss of faith just ignites survivors
    They stare doubt straight into the eye
    I forgive, the past is bondage
    Freedom aphrodisiac

    I've opened my heart for you
    Tied ribbons on my ankles for you
    Drew orchids on my thighs for you
    Your lower lip so heavy on you

    My spine curved, erotically
    Tied ribbons on my ankles for you
    Drew orchids on my thighs for you
    Your lower lip so heavy on you

    My spine curved, erotically
    We're finally vulnerable

  9. Sue MeVer letra 4:57


    letra de Sue Me

    My tear duct clogged
    My left eye broken
    Medicate with warm compress
    Extract hardened tears

    Sue me, sue me, sue me - all you want
    I won't denounce her origin
    Sue me, sue me, sue me - all you want
    I won't denounce our origin

    I've ducked and dived
    Like the mother in Solomon's Tale
    To spare our girl
    I won't let her get cut in half, ever
    But it's time to teach you some dignity

    Sue me, sue me, sue me - all you want
    I won't denounce our origin
    Sue me, sue me, sue me, sue me - all you want
    I won't denounce our origin (no I won't)

    He took it from his father
    Who took it from his father
    Who took it from his father
    Let's break this curse
    So it won't fall on our daughter
    And her daughter
    And her daughter
    Won't let this sink into her DNA

    Sue me, sue me, sue me - sue me all you want
    I won't let you denounce our origin
    Sue me, sue me, sue me
    I won't let you denounce our origin, no I won't

    Just can't take her suffer
    It's so unfair
    The sins of the fathers
    They just fucked it all up
    We had the best family
    We had it all
    We had it all in our hands
    He just pulled us through the wringer

  10. Tabula RasaVer letra 4:42


    letra de Tabula Rasa

    We are all swollen
    From hiding his affairs
    Let's put it all on the table
    Let it all out

    It is time
    He mustn't steal our light

    Clean plate
    Tabula rasa for my children
    Clean plate
    Not repeating the fuck-ups of the fathers

    My deepest wish is that
    You’re immersed in grace and dignity
    You will have to deal with shit soon enough
    I hoped to give you the least amount of luggage
    You got the right to make your own fresh mistakes
    And not repeat other's failures

    Clean plate
    Tabula rasa for my children
    Let's clean up
    Break the chain of the fuck-ups of the fathers
    It is time
    For us women to rise, and not just take it lying down
    It is time
    The world, it is listening

    Oh how I love you
    Embarrassed to pass this mess over to you
    But he led two lives
    Thought ours was the only one

    You are strong
    You are strong
    You are strong

    You're so strong

  11. ClaimstakerVer letra 3:18


    letra de Claimstaker

    I walk through this land
    Stake a claim
    With my sense
    With my bark
    Mark my nest with song
    Hear the echo from that cliff
    I draw laser lines through lake
    To take physicality
    I inhale this physicality
    This forest is in me

    This forest is in me

    I immerse me

    This is my home

  12. Paradisia 1:44
  13. SaintVer letra 4:41


    letra de Saint

    She always knows when people need stroking
    And is attracted to deathbeds and divorces
    I dreamt she cared for my dying grandfather
    Lying naked face down on his bed
    She insists on total presence
    And knows how to get through to the rest of us
    She has entered me thousandfold often
    And undone knots at my most awkward

    Music loves too

    She reaches out to orphans and refugees
    Embraces them with thermal blankets
    Her favorite childhood moments
    Were at a hospital for the disabled
    I've seen her offer empathy to widows
    She attends funerals of strangers
    Her strongest memory is feeding children with leprosy

    Music heals too
    I'm here to defend it

  14. Future ForeverVer letra 4:47


    letra de Future Forever

    Imagine a future and be in it
    Feel this incredible nurture, soak it in
    Your past is on loop — turn it off

    See this possible future and be in it
    Hold fort for love, forever
    We're just momentary vessels
    We're just carrying
    Trust your head around
    Guide your stare elsewhere
    Your love is already waiting
    You're already in it

    Hold fort for love, forever
    Watch me form new nests
    Weave a matriarchial dome
    Build a musical scaffolding
    Between sleep and awake
    Day and night
    (Between night and day)

    You say I mirror people's missions at them
    Now you mirror at me who I used to be
    What I gave to the world, you've given back at me
    Hold fort for love

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