Álbum My Secret Passion: The Arias de Michael Bolton - Canciones

My Secret Passion: The Arias

Listado de canciones del álbum My Secret Passion: The Arias

  1. Pourquoi Me Réveiller? 2:57
  2. Nessun Dorma! 3:14
  3. Una Furtiva LagrimaVer letra 4:52


    letra de Una Furtiva Lagrima

    (L'elisir d'amore)(One tear that falls so furtively)
    Una furtiva lagrima
    Negl'occhi suoi spunto:
    Quelle festose giovani
    Invidiar sembro.
    Che piu cercando io vo?
    Che piu cercando io vo?
    M'ama, si m'ama, lo vedo, lo vedo.
    Un solo instante I palpiti
    Del suo bel cor sentir!
    I miei sospir, confondere
    Per poco a' suoi sospir!
    I palpiti, I palpiti sentir,
    Confondere I miei coi suoi sospir
    Cielo, si puo morir!
    Di piu non chiedo, non chiedo.
    Ah! Cielo, si puo, si puo morir,
    Di piu non chiedo, non chiedo.
    Si puo morir, si puo morir d'amor.
    Nemorino is in love with a wealthy girl, but she says she isn't interested in poor boys like him. Desperate, he buys a "Love potion" that only turns out to be cheap red wine. And yet, Nemorino believes the "Elixir" will work. When he sees her cry, he knows she has fallen for him at last.
    English translation
    One tear that falls so furtively
    From her sweet eyes has just sprung,
    As if she envied all the youths
    Who laughingly passed her right by.
    What could I want more than this?
    She loves me! I see it.
    One moment just to hear her heart,
    Beating so close next to mine,
    To hear my sighs like they were hers,
    Her sighings as if they were mine!
    Heavens, please take me now:
    All that I wanted is mine now!

  4. M'Appari 3:08
  5. Che Gelida ManinaVer letra 4:49


    letra de Che Gelida Manina

    (La boheme)(How cold your little hand is!)
    Che gelida manina! Se la lasci riscaldar.
    Cercar che giova? Al buio non si trova.
    Ma per fortuna e una notte di luna,
    E qui la luna l'abbiiamo vicina.
    Aspetti, signorina, le diro con due parole chi son,
    Chi son, e che faccio, come vivo, Vuole?
    Chi son? Chi son? Son un poeta.
    Che cosa faccio? Scrivo. E come vivo? Vivo.
    In poverta mia lieta scialo da gran signore
    Rimi ed inni d'amore.
    Per sogni e per chimere e per castelli in aria
    L'anima ho milionaria.
    Talor del mio forziere ruban tutti
    I gioielle due ladri: gli occhi belli.
    V'entrar con voi pur ora ed I miei sogni usati,
    Ed I bei sogni miei tosto si dileguar!
    Ma il furto non m'accora poiche,
    Poiche v'ha preso stanza la speranza.
    Or che mi conoscete parlate voi.
    Deh parlate. Chi siete? Vi piaccia dir?
    It is Christmas Eve on Paris' Left Bank. Rodolfo is at home writing when a stranger knocks at the door. It is Mimi, a neighbor, who needs to borrow a match to relight her candle. Mimi is barely out the door, when she realizes she has lost her key. As they search for it, Rodolfos' hand falls upon hers.
    English translation
    How cold your little hand is! Will you let me warm it for you?
    Why bother looking? It's dark, and we won't find it.
    It's our good luck, though, this night's filled with moonlight,
    Up here the moonlight could rest on our shoulders.
    Please wait, my dear young lady, and I will quickly tell you
    Who stands before you, and what I do,
    How I make my living. May I?
    Who am I? What am I? I am a poet.
    What keeps me busy? Writing! And what do I live on? Nothing!
    In poverty I'm cheerful, I am a prince who squanders
    Arias and couplets of longing.
    And as for hopes and dreams of love and castles-in-the-air,
    Miss, I am a millionaire!
    My fortress could be broken in, robbed clean of the fine jewels
    I store; if the thieves were eyes like yours.
    And now that I have seen you, all of my lovely dreaming,
    All of the sweetest dreams I've dreamt, quickly have slipped away.
    This theft does not upset me, because such treasures
    Mean nothing now that I'm rich with sweet hope!
    And now that you have met me, I ask you please,
    Tell me, lady, who you are, I ask you please!

  6. O Soave FanciullaVer letra 4:26


    letra de O Soave Fanciulla

    (La boheme)(Oh, sweet little lady)

    O soave fanciulla, o dolce viso
    Di mite circonfuso alba lunar,
    In te ravviso il sogno
    Ch'io vorrei sempre sognar!
    (Ah, tu sol comandi, amor!)
    Fremon nell'anima dolcezze estreme,
    Ecc Nel baccio freme amor!
    (oh come dolci scendono le sue
    Lusinghe al cor...Tu sol comandi, amor!)
    No, per pieta! Sei mia! V'aspettan gli amici...
    Gia mi mandi via? Vorrei dir...ma non osso,
    Di. Se venissi con voi? Che? Mimi!
    Sarebbe cosi dolce restar qui. C'e freddo fuori.v
    Vi staro vicina! E al ritorno? Curioso!
    Dammi il braccio, o mia piccina...
    Obbedisco, signor! Che m'ami...di'...lo t'amo.
    Amor! Amor! Amor!
    Mimi and Rodolfo are getting acquainted fast. Outside, Rodolfos' friends call him to join them. He would rather stay with Mimi, but she shyly suggests they all go out together. "Tell me you love me," he pleads. She holds back, at first, but as this duet ends, they sing together for the first time, and their first word is "Love."
    Oh! sweet little lady! Oh, sweetest vision,
    With moonlight bathing your pretty face!
    The dream that I see in you is the dream I'll always dream!
    (Oh, you rule alone, Love!)
    Deep in my soul trembles the deepest of passions, etc.
    Our kisses shudder with love!
    (How gently now his words of praise make their way
    Into my heart...You rule alone, oh love!)
    No, I beg you! You're mine now! Your friends are still waiting.
    So soon must I leave you? I would like...I can't say it...
    Speak! What if I went along? What? Mimi!
    How sweet instead to stay behind here. It's freezing outside.
    I'd be right beside you! What about later? Who knows, sir?
    Take my arm, my dear young lady...As you say, my dear sir...
    Do you love me, say! I certainly do.
    Love! Love! Love!

  7. Vesti la GiubbaVer letra 3:14


    letra de Vesti la Giubba

    (Pagliacci)(On with the show)
    Recitar!...mentre preso dal delirio
    Non so piu quel che dico e quel che faccio!
    Eppur...e d'uopo...sforzati! Bah, sei tu forse un uom?
    Tu se' Pagliaccio! Vesti la giubba e la faccia infarina.
    La gente paga e rider vuole qua.
    E se Arlecchin t'invola Colombina, ridi, Pagliaccio...
    E ognum applaudira! Tramuta in lazzi lo spasmo ed il pianto;
    In una smorfia il singhiozzo e'l dolor...
    Ridi Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!
    Ridi del duol che t'avvelena il cor!
    Canio, his wife Nedda, and their troupe perform adulterous comedies in their traveling shows. This time, though, life imitates art. Canio has just been warned that Nedda is in the arms of another man. When Canio arrives, the man is gone. "Tell me his name!" he threatens. Just at that moment, they announce, "It's show time!"
    Go on stage, while I'm nearly delirious?
    I don't know what I'm saying or what I'm doing!
    And yet, chin up! I'll try harder. Bah, you think you're a man?
    You're just a clown! On with the show, man,
    And put on your white-face.
    The people pay you and you must make them laugh.
    And if Harlequin should steal your Columbine, laugh,
    You're Pagliaccio, and the world will clap for you!
    Turn into banter all your pain and sorrow,
    And with your clowns' face hide grief and distress...
    Laugh loud, Pagliaccio, forget all of your troubles,
    Laugh off the pain that so empoisons your heart.

  8. E Lucevan le StelleVer letra 3:17


    letra de E Lucevan le Stelle

    (Tosca)(How the stars seemed to shimmer)
    E lucevan le stelle,
    E olezzava la terra
    Stridea l'uscio dell'orto,
    E un passo sfiorava la rena.
    Entrava ella, fragrante,
    Mi cadea fra le braccia.
    Oh! Dolci baci, o languide carezze,
    Mentr'io fremente le belle forme discogliea dai veli!
    Svani per sempre il sogno mio d'amore...
    L'ora e fuggita e muoio disperato!
    E non ho amato mai tanto la vita!
    The painter Cavaradossi has been sentenced to death for helping to hide an escaped political prisoner. As he awaits his fate, he sings of the sweet memories of his beloved Tosca and his dashed dreams.
    English translation
    How the stars seemed to shimmer,
    The sweet scents of the garden,
    How the creaking gate whispered,
    And a footstep skimmed over the sand,
    How she then entered, so fragrant,
    And then fell into my two arms!
    Ah sweetest of kiss, languorous caresses,
    While I stood trembling, searching her features
    Concealed by her mantle. My dreams of pure love,
    Forgotten forever! All of it's gone now!
    I die hopeless, despairing, and never before
    Have I loved life like this!

  9. Recondita ArmoniaVer letra 2:24


    letra de Recondita Armonia

    (Tosca)(What strange and lovely harmony)
    Recondita armonia di belleze diverse!...
    E bruna Floria, l'ardente amante mia.
    E te, beltade ignota, cinta di chiome bionde!
    Tu azzuro hai l'occhio, Tosca ha l'occhio nero!
    L'arte nel suo mistero le diverse belleze insiem confonde:
    Ma nel ritrar costei il mio solo pensiero,
    Ah! Il mio solo pensier, sei tu, Tosca, sei tu!
    Cavaradossi is working on a portrait of the Madonna for the church of Saint Andrea. Though the painting closely resembles a beautiful parishioner there, Cavaradossi explains that it is a combination of that woman, who he does not know, and his own dark-haired, dark-eyed lover Floria Tosca.
    English translation
    What strange and lovely harmony of such different beauties!
    How dark is Floria, this ardent love of mine.
    And you, mysterious beauty, long and blond flowing tresses
    How your eyes are sky-blue, Tosca's eyes are black-night.
    Art, too, with it's many mysteries, blends all together
    Such different beauties. But though I paint another,
    My only thought is you, oh, my only thought is you,
    Tosca, is you, is you!

  10. É la Solita StoriaVer letra 4:42


    letra de É la Solita Storia

    (L'Arlesiana)(It's that familiar tale)
    E la solita storia del pastore...
    Il povero ragazzo voleva raccontarla e s'addormi.
    C'e nel sonno l'oblio. Come l'invidio!
    Anch'io vorrei dormir cosi, nel sonno almen l'oblio trovar!
    La pace sol cercando io vo'. Vorrei poter tutto scordar!
    Ma ogni sforzo e vano. Davanti ho sempre
    Davanti ho sempre di lei il dolce sembiante.
    La pace tolta e solo a me. Perche degg'io tanto penar?
    Lei! Sempre lei mi parla ancor! Fatale vision, mi lascia!
    Mi fai tanto male, Ahime!
    Federico loves a girl of I'll repute, so his family arranges a marriage with a childhood sweetheart. The heartbroken lad compares his sad adventure to the well-known tale of a shepherd boy. He knows he will never forget his one true love.
    English translation
    It's that familiar tale you've heard of the shepherd...
    That penniless young man, attempting to retell it,
    Fell sound asleep. In such slumber there's oblivion.
    How I've envied him! Like him, I would sleep all of my days;
    At least if I slept, I might forget! I seek only peace,
    It's all I need! Forget it all! Never recall!
    Yet all is futile effort, before me will always be that sweet
    Face of hers, alas! My peace and my quiet, forever gone!
    Why must I suffer so, oh why? She, always she, speaks to me!
    Vision so fatal, please vanish! How you have harmed me! Alas!

  11. Celeste AïdaVer letra 3:38


    letra de Celeste Aïda

    (Aida)(Heavenly Aida)
    Celeste Aida, forma divina,
    Mistico serto di luce e fior,
    Del mio pensiero tu sei regina,
    Tu di mia vita sei lo splendor.
    Il tuo bel cielo vorrei ridarti,
    Le dolci breeze del patrio suol;
    Un regal serto sul crin posarti,
    Ergerti un trono vicino al sol, ah!
    The Ethiopians have been defeated in battle. Aida, their princess, has been enslaved by the victorious Egyptians, though her identity is not known to them. The Egyptian General Radames falls in love with the beautiful Aida and dreams of setting her upon a throne.
    Heavenly Aida, goddess of beauty,
    Garland of flowers and of bright light.
    You are the ruler of all of my thoughts,
    You are the splendor of my whole life.
    I'll bring you back, yes, to your lovely skies
    To the soft breezes of your native land.
    I'll place a royal wreath upon your crown,
    And build you a throne close to the sun!

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