Álbum It Ain't What You Eat It's The Way How You Chew It de Sleepy Labeef - Canciones

It Ain't What You Eat It's The Way How You Chew It

Listado de canciones del álbum It Ain't What You Eat It's The Way How You Chew It

  1. I Got It 2:37
  2. The Roosters Are Crowing 2:15
  3. Lost Highway 3:28
  4. I'm Ready 2:50
  5. Satisfied 3:12
  6. Breaking Up My Home Again 2:04
  7. Wonderful Time Up There 1:47
  8. Shake A Hand
  9. If I Ever Had A Good Thing
  10. Let's Talk About Us
  11. I Don't Believe You've Met My Baby
  12. Walking Slowly
  13. Tutti Frutti

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